Thursday, November 26, 2009

-the super double dates nite-

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

take me out from Indonesia,please..just for a while..XD

seoul, korea

Paris, French

London, England

Amsterdam, Holland

Helsinki, Finland

Tahiti, French Polynesia

Monday, November 23, 2009

C'est quelqu'un qui m'a dit que tu m'aimais encore?

On me dit que nos vies ne valent pas grand chose,

Elles passent en un instant comme fânent les roses.

On me dit que le temps qui glisse est un salaud que de nos chagrins

Il s'en fait des manteaux pourtant quelqu'un m'a dit...

Que tu m'aimais encore,

C'est quelqu'un qui m'a dit que tu m'aimais encore.

Serais ce possible alors ?

*i'm in love with this song while i'm watching (500) days of summer...this song included on the scene when summer and Tom on the car and then Tom ask to summer did she love him or not?if she want to have a everlasting relationship or not..and then Summer just answer : Yes, as long as i'm happy...*

i'm just tooo.... in love with these outfit!!


Sunday, November 22, 2009

0o--o0--my cute nephew!!!

sunday morning -- its playing timmeee!!!for my cute nephew, Aqil...he looks so funny with his wet body..huhuuuww...auntie loves you!!!>.<

Friday, November 20, 2009


what a beautifull interiors...

hoping my future home like these...>.<

how beautifull and simple .... so lovely

Friday, November 13, 2009

...just leisure time...

Sunday, November 8, 2009

if only

bnyak orang bilang umur 20an adalah umur yang sangat menyenangkan...umur 20 taun ini seharusnya menjadi kesempatan emas untuk kita berkreatifitas, bersosialisasi, berteman dengan banyak orang, dan BLA..BLA..BLA...yayayaya...itu benaarrr!!!!sy pun sempat merasakannya...namun akhir2 ini saya tidak lg merasakan hal sperti itu..mengapa?karena di umur saya yang sudah 22 tahun ini, saya masih belum bisa membuat orang tua saya least, lulus dengan ipk tinggi...lulus 4 tahun PAS...belum memiliki penghasilan sendiri, tetapi keinginan yang sangat menggunung, ingin bebas, jauh dari rasa tanggung jawab, ingin maen muluuu...tapi yaaa itu tadi..duit pas2an, masi digaji orang tua, masi tinggal di rumah orang tua...jadiii...mau ga mau yaaa..kmu harus mematuhi semuaaa....peraturan yang ada di rumah kamu, ..peraturan yang diberikan oleh orang tua kamuu...yaitu:TIDAK ADA JAM MALAM...pulang di bawah jam 8 yahhhh....jam 7 deh kalo bisa...ya..ya..ya...klo lebih?yaa...tau sendiri lah akibatnya...;p..peraturan inilah yang membuat saya menjadi sedikit anti sosial mungkin?hhyah...blahblahblah...tidaktidak...bukan begitu,lebih tepatnya menjadi sedikit 'autis' dan menjadi sangat 'blah bloh' ketika berbincang2 dengan teman2 kampus...:D ...(ato emang pada dsarnya blah bloh???!!) hiiyaaahhahaha...:p...bukan menjudge peraturan org tua saya..tetapi mungkin memang keadaan (lebih tepatnya) jadwal kuliah saya yang kadang2 (overlimit)..yang harusnya kuliah ituuu sehari cuma 2 ato 3 jam..ini mah sehariaann...padahal ga ngapa2in jg...(itu dulu sii) yang menyebabkan para mahasiswanya pulang larut sore, magrib, kemudian malam..(masi berlangsung bagi mahasiswa angkatan 2006 dan 2007) khususnya mahasiswa baru 2008 dan 2009)...ah cukup sudahi ajah postingnya...malah ntar semakin ngalor ngidull...seblomnya, maaf yah bagi yang membaca jika ada yg tersinggung, atau apalah...maaf2 seribu maaf ga maksud...(cuma bermaksud membuang uneg2)..hehe...:p

Thursday, November 5, 2009

This is a story of boy meets girl -- and this is not a love story

This is a story of boy meets girl.

The boy, Tom Hanson of Margate, New Jersey,
grew up believing that he'd never truly be happy
until the day he met "the one."
This belief stemmed from early exposure to sad British pop music
and a total misreading of the movie 'The Graduate'.

The girl, Summer Finn of Chennicok, Michigan,
did not share this belief.
Since the disintegration of her parents' marriage,
she'd only loved two things;
The first was her long, dark hair.
The second was how easily she could cut it off,
and feel nothing.

Tom meets Summer on January eighth.
He knows, almost immediately, she is who he's been searching for.

This is a story of boy meets girl,
but you should know upfront...
This is not a love story.

that is from original soundtrack of (500) days of summer -- 'boy meet girl'

i'm just watching '(500) days of summer and then, now i'm keep thinking..why human can't be able to see her/his fate, destiny..or why?people can't drive in her/his own life just like summer (zooey) on the movie above..summer always act or (she's just like that?) like she never fall in love with man....she always kept thinking someday she have a destiny, and then she get married..but she doesn't believe what the 'art' or 'description' about love, and feeling..she's totally CRAB!!! God..haakss..soory,reader!i'm just too dissapointed after watching the movie..anyway...but there just a movie, but who know?, on the real world there's something happened like that?yep, it could be...