Wednesday, December 1, 2010

its early december..

waktu cepet banget berputar, ga kerasa kalo saya udah lulus dari DP Itenas, saya udah wisuda sebulan yang lalu, dan sekarang saya genap seminggu kerja disini (BE BOB shoes). Awalnya ngerasa berat setelah ditinggal sang pacar kerja di Ibu Kota. berikut kerjanya full time, dari senin - sabtu, sabtu sampai jam 2. tapi ini sama aja kaya nyiksa klo kata saya.. it means, si pacar cuma bisa pulang ke bdg di hari sabtu sore, kemudian bertemu minggu pagi dan stelah itu minggu soore dia haru kembali ke Jakarta. So Sad, so tired.. :"( Tapi lama kelamaan saya udah semakin terbiasa ditambah lagi saya udah bekerja sekarang, dan full time pula, notabene sama seperti pacar saa yaitu dari senin - sabtu, sabtu pulang jam stengah 3..hiks,cuma beda stengah jam.. there is no time to have fun with friends.. perubahan rutinitas ini sempet bikin shock, tapi ya apa boleh buat? toh tujuan kita berdua ini sangat mulia.. sang pacar niat bekerja untuk menabung di masa depan bersma saya kelak (amiinnn) *jet mode on* yang artinya = serius. ihiiy.. walaupun berat tapi ya kita ga boleh ngeluh terus, masih sangat bersyukur..bisa dapet gawe langsung.. biar bikin orang tua bangga juga, kita harus move on.. oke, hwaiting!! >.<

Friday, October 22, 2010

pasar seni ITB atau GASIBU pindah tempat?hehe

setelah berbulan2 ga posting (lagi), sy akan mencoba menceritakan sedikit mengenai pasar seni ITB. Menurut saya, Pasar Seni ITB 2010 bagaikan pasar tumpah di hari minggu layaknya pasar GASIBU. Tapi banyak yang lebih menarik disini karena namanya pasar seni, orang yang jualan di stand kebanyakan adalah para enterpreuner muda, bahkan mahasiswa, bisa disimpulkan bahwa: Bandung adalah KOTA INDUSTRI KREATIF. woooww.., banyaknya stand dengan masing masing brand yang berjualan disini, seketika sayapun tergugah untuk meneruskan bisnis saya yang telah lama terbengkalai akibat tidak ada waktu dan modal (so true) :p let's called it the motivation! :)

wooo... gunung sepeda onthel!! nice.. :D

okay, this is scary,.. :0
arts by: Nato art

Sunday, July 25, 2010

this week is culinary time...!!!

minggu ini adalah minggu saya harus ngebayar puasa sy yg 'bolong' setaun yg lalu..ada sisa 3 hari lg blom kebayar,jd dr senin..ampe kamis (asalnya) mau lgsung dibayar aja.. (khodo) tp berhubung lg PMS juga (alesan) amat ..hahaaa...jadiii, hari selasa dipending dulu puasanya buat wisata kulinerr bersama gigin,my beloved soulmate.. :))...hihiii.. :p

Selasa, 20 Juli 2010
rute kali ini...sperti biasaa..makan di mr.moo - kedai ling ling (JL.sultan agung) trus, pulangnya jalan2 menelusuri jalan sultan agung dari mulai perempatan (rockstar) ampe house of smith.. ^0^
This junkfood...sooooo tasty-melty-juicy-cheesy and heavenly!! *lebay*...kata org bule mah "junkfood" tp kata saya mah "heavenfood" jjah..lebay abiiss... :P
Sayang sekalii...okonomiyaki-nya udah ampir setengahnya abiiss..hhohoo...gigin sabaraaann makannyaa.. :P ternyata kedai ling ling ini prnah menang lomba 'kreasi masak brsama kraft' yang brg Barra Pattirajawane...di dalem kounternya ada foto brg si mas2 koki-nya ama mas Bara.. :DD

ni 'Es Kriuk' yang warnanya menggoda seleraaa sekaliii.. :D sebenernya yg kriuk-nya itu sndiri itu wujudnya mirip selasih ato yg sering kita liat di es campur.. (apa si namanya?)..bentuknya bulet2..dan sisanya yg warna warni itu sama sekali ga 'kriuk' tp kenyal,bahannya semacam terbuat dari jelly...dan gada rasanya.. *huh??* :)) pokonya hrus nyobaa sndiri..

Sabtu, 24 Juli 2010Hari kedua makan-makan-jalan-jalan....hari ini kopi progo,tp tiba2 hilang mood da akhirnya jalan jalan ke PVJ (Paris Van Java)..oohoooooo...
sekarang letak PVJ aga asing,soalnya ada yang ditambahin dan dikurangin..(ngerti ga??) ya intinya,ada sedikit renovasi di bagian bawah dan deket pelataran tempat parkir...mariii kita mncari yang segarr2...*soursally???* eemphh,kayanya lgsung bangkrut deh makan soursally...akhirnya kita nyari semacam 'fro-yo' laen ato 'ice cream' laen yang harganya lebih 'bersahabat' dengan dompet seorang mahasiswa yang sedang TA...akhirnya kita nyoba 'DOT BRAVO' yang letaknya di sekitar bawah eskalator lantai 2..emang sih tempatnya kecil dan nanggung banget,tp harganya jauh lebih murah dibandingin soursally...

es krim-nya disajiin bareng ama roti canne (roti khas Aceh) yang dibentukkin priamisd(kaya tissue) yaa?*lil cute" and absurd, i think.. :DD

Fro-yo (frozen yogurt) ini harganya cuma 15.000 aja looh..coba bandingin ama soursalyy..?iyaa si ini ukuran (S) banyak banget..dan rasanya kalah ama SourSally..dan ga anyir (amis) kaya J-Cool..:))

Menjelang malam,jam stengah 7an..saya dan gigin kembali lapaaarrrr..stelah berjalan2 keliling-keliling PVJ,akhirnya menemukan resto jepang bernama "Zenba, House of Mozaru"

pas baca nama restonya, mhh..lgsung mikir 'mozaru apaan yaa?' ternyata pas liat menunya, mozaru itu adalah kata serapan di Jepang, yang asalya "Mozarella" it means..keju masakan khas jepang apaa ya yg bahan utamanya keju mozarella?ternyataaa...ini diaa...
yang sy pesen ini namanya' Mushroom Mozaru"..ternyata isinya itu..lapisan paling bawah adalah nasi.lapisan tengah adalah jamur,dan lapisan atas adalah keju mozarella yang buaaannnyyaaakk dan tebeelll bangettt...melty juicy and tasty on my mouth...!! :DD

Di 'Zenba' juga nyediain menu Sushi-nya..pasti ya,klo resto jepang ga prnah ngelewatin menu makanan yang satu inii.. ))

Yaak..cukup segini aja makan2 di luar rumahnya,klo keseringan bisa bokek...enjoy your weekend.. )) have a nice monday.. *fortomorrow* :DD

Saturday, July 17, 2010

too much to tell..

woaa..what a hectic month...oke,setelah melewati beberapa bulan (maret-juli)..and finally sidang akhir belom ada pengumuman (lagi)..and im actually worried about my last project..apakah akan berhasil atau tidak..hohoo..too much to share,too much to gada waktu..hiyyahh.. :p

i've been busy about my last project..i've made a boots shoes for 'Dangdut' singer, her name is Kinkin Kintamani..and you can see some sample of design for is a final design, by the way.. ^^

the final it looks a like..???hhhmmm.... ^^

the ilustrations....

Saturday, April 24, 2010


i think igelanca is recommended for you all guys people who live in bandung,or everybody's who vistting bandung for a while..the cafe was not too small, and also not too large..very cozy, and the food..have a great taste!and the price..?its CHEAP..!!yess..this cafe was fully recommended!!!!!

view from it..

fetuccine carbonara..nyuummyyy...:D

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

my masterpiece boots design with my friends

waktu bulan desember kmaren (2009) gue ama tmen2 seangkatan gue sempet KP (kerja profesi) di TEGEP BOOTS, salah satu perusahaan dan tempat produksi sepatu boots yang termasuk ternama dan terkenal di Indonesia, TEGEP BOOTS udah banyak produksi sepatu hingga banyak yang diekspor ke luar negeri, kaya rusia, jerman, ampe italia...kebetulan waktu gue KP dsana, Bapak Tegep ini (owner) lg ada proyekan, diendorse ama Ika mardiana, salah satu fashion designer terkenal di USA, dari Indonesia..untuk ngisi acara Hongkong Fashion Week 2010..dan kbetulan juga, pas banget ama waktu KP kita waktu itu..lets check out the video, guys.. :) :) :)

king of convenience

gue lupa mau postingin event ini dr jaman kapan..baru skrg bisa gue posting..hohooo...gue akhirnya smpet nonton King Of Convenience di Bandung waktu tanggal 28 Maret kmren..itu juga tiketnya dapet dadaan banget dr pacar gue,..dia dapet dari kakaknya yang kerja di sampoerna..Thanks God,..gue berucap syukur berkali kali stelah dapetin tiket itu..and you know?stelah tau dpt iket gratisan, gue jam Stengah 9 itu juga lgsung cabut ke SABUGA, ITB..hanya dalam waktu 15 menit sajah!! *by motor* hohoo..pas nyampe sana, gue super blah bloh dan gue superduper kecewaa..karena trnyata kita tidak diperbolehkan membawa kamera ataupun sesuatu untuk memotret (dgn flash), pake hape untungnya boleh sih, dengan catatan: ga boleh pake flash..syukurlah, orang henpon gue jg bb gemini, kaga ada flash-nya..haha..!!

that's Jens Lekman!! :)

wow..udah lama ga posting..

hella folks, kabar smua blogger..nampaknya gue udah lama ga posting di blogger dikarenakan hal yang sangat rumit yaitu: lagi menjalani proses TUGAS AKHIR, salah satu mata kuliah terberat dan terakhir dalam studi perkuliahan gue..*hwaiting*
maybe this time, i wanna show you about my class and my kavling, this is a place to think all about TA, concepting, typing on laptop, sketching, eating, sharing with many friends, playing, watching DVD's, and also..sleeping..tapi, jujur aja,.di kavling TA ini sbnernya didesain bukan untuk tmpat menginap.,tp tmpat mengerjakan tugas akhir ini hingga selesai..walopun gue nginep di sini pun, nampaknya gue ga tidur..hhohoo....

heyy..that my kavling!! ohoo..:p

Saturday, March 20, 2010

yaayy.....i love this movie.. :))

i've watched this movie 3 weeks ago, and felt like i'm on the movie..the movie effect is feel so real,and i love one of scenes, when heath ledger (tony shepherd) cange into johny depp, and then he change to someone else again, he's becoming Jude Law..what a weirdos movie! and the stories,make me feel like into the scenes, a lot of imaginations, and so fantastically..

last movie staring by heath ledger.. me missed you.. >.<

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I think that possibly Maybe I'm falling for you...

I never knew just what it was about this old coffee shop I love so much  All of the while I never knew .....  I never knew just what it was about this old coffee shop I love so much  All of the while I never knew ......

Saturday, January 30, 2010

always happy - when with family

the trip now, on'rumah sosis'..on english,it means 'sausages house'..spending time witth my whole family, always feel happy..

there's a lot of facilities on 'Rumah Sosis' : cafe, swimming pool, garden, musholla, ATV track, flying fox, and fishing pond..

the sausages is fully handmade, made by great chef.
the sausage also has a wide range of taste, so we can choose according to our taste

hotel or castle?

Bandung is a city about three hours drive from Jakarta, and the hills are a popular weekend retreat for Jakartans to escape the hustle and bustle, the pollution or the humidity that is Jakarta. Bandung is also known for shopping, thanks to its multitude of factory outlets offering (mostly) almost perfect pieces of (mostly) genuine designer labels.

So where to stay? Several international chains do have properties in Bandung but there are many independent hotels as well. Of course, lots of things are best when they are open...hearts, minds, arms (legs?)...and of course hotels. The G H Universal first opened its doors in May 2008 and is gradually slowly opening bit by bit, with the 'full, grand opening' scheduled for some time in 2009. When I stayed there much of the hotel was functional, but there were some gaps. Overall, though, it has promise.

The G.H. Universal is up a hill in central Bandung with a view over much of the city. G.H. stands for Green Hills, apparently, so it rather appropriate.

I arrived by road and, after the final battle against traffic, turned into the gate. To the left, on the wall, was a notice partly obscured by low hanging branches of a tree, announcing 'Soft Opening in May 2008'. To the right was the hotel, four stories high, with a design that was an eclectic mix of faux-colonial stlyes - Georgian windows, Victorian domes and almost Romanesque layout, finished in a rather odd shade of grey. The actual entrance was incongruously floor to ceiling window the length of the lobby.

Inside, the lobby lounge was again a mix of styles, with large, brown, stuffed armchairs reminiscent of Victorian libraries contrasting with modern, straight-lined sofas and the black marble steps and blackcurrant walls of the reception area. The windows opposite the entrance look out onto the pool, which is in a central courtyard with accommodation on all four sides.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

another saturday night-as usual

some weekly plans make me bored so, this weekend,..i want spend my weekend with mr.boyfriend,Gigin..and friends of mine from one place to the another place..we called this even as 'triple date'..^^

mr.boyfriend and me..^0^

some pasta melting on my mouth..>.<


one of my friend,kanne,still busy with her last project..~o~

never give up!

i always kept thinking that life is so short,.so that i'll always try to do the best for all people that i love..and never give up to rinse all my dream..keep it real,..and also try to do the best..

Friday, January 15, 2010

solar eclipse

Thursday, January 14, 2010

another lazy day

some cheese toast on 10.45

web-ing time on 11.15

Copyright 2009 VANILLA--LOVER